Information doesn't sell anymore. In the age of Wikipedia, Google and Quora available at the click of the finger, anyone can expand their knowledge for free - Tom Libelt points out. Yet, he believes that online courses are one of the greatest ways to make money and most people fail simply because they lack marketing skills to promote them. Tom helps people market their courses, and in today's episode, he revealed why many struggle with selling their courses, how to find your ideal ...

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Which animal do you find scarier: a shark or a cow? Chances are, you answered "a shark". After all, those sharp teeth and serial killer eyes do look kinda intimidating. But would you believe that way more people are killed by cows than sharks? And we haven't even mentioned mosquitoes...We're designed to judge a situation by the most overt signs and let ourselves be fooled without taking a closer look.This could be even more challenging when we're about to spend our ...

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Entrepreneurs are all about growth, grinding and hustle. We want to get more done, faster. Work harder than anyone we know. We're inspired by mentors, gurus and influencers who "made it" and want to model exactly what they do to be even more productive and grow even faster. It's pretty hard to get more than 24 hours in a day, so we look for ways to use even more of those 24 hours for hustling. Because that's what an entrepreneur ...

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Search Engine Optimization can be a real headache for most of us.  While it can be free, it often seems frighteningly complicated and takes way too long to see the fruits of our hard work - if there's going to be any. Who on Earth has time for this while building a business?! We are about to change your mind. In today's podcast episode, we talked with Matt Diggity, founder of the SEO Conference in Chiang Mai and many SEO ...

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You can run countless ads. You can tell people about how awesome your products are. You can talk about the features and benefits for hours.A single happy customer's recommendation to their friends is still going to be more powerful.Think back of your last ten purchases. How many times did you pull the trigger because you read a great review, you heard your favorite YouTuber talk about it, or your friend randomly mentioned it over dinner? You may not even be ...

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In our previous ActiveGrowth podcast episode, we had a chat with Tim Soulo from Ahrefs about the importance of SEO and knowing your potential customers to increase your website traffic without spending much on it. You learned that SEO doesn't exclusively happen on your own website: to get quality backlinks and reach more people, you should get featured on other channels. And to make it happen, you need to start doing outreach.Today, we brought to you Colin Shipp, networking, PR and ...

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As much as we advocate the Customer First Approach, once you have a solid product and paying customers, you want to get more of them by increasing your website traffic.But getting just any sort of traffic won't cut it.If I send a thousands of middle-aged men to your local lingerie store, some might buy something, but most of them would leave empty-handed. It's the same online.No, you want quality traffic. People who are actually interested in your services and want to ...

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​"If you don't build your dream... someone will hire youto help build theirs." /Tony Gaskins/We don't think so. Here's what we think: If you agree with the quote above, you're never gonna be a successful entrepreneur.In today's episode, we continue the gentle but kind discouragement we started last time and discuss all the reasons why running your own business might not be your path after all. Being an employee, an entrepreneur, a freelancer or an intrapreneur can be equally cool depending on ...

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When you think of great entrepreneurial role models, who comes to mind?Probably über wealthy startup founders, CEOs and angel investors who's books on entrepreneurship are hailed as the modern day blueprints to business success.These entrepreneurship icons often tell us that growth at all costs is key. Get enough early investment capital and you can even operate your business at a loss from the very beginning until you find a way to dominate your market. Of the tiny startup minority that finds ...

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You don't have to be a celebrity anymore to take high-quality pictures with branded products and get paid for it. In fact, all you need is a large enough audience, and sponsorship deals will come to you and pay your bills.That's what everyone seems to think these days anyway.In this episode, you'll hear about the ActiveGrowth take on influencer marketing and getting a large number of following on social media or high traffic on your website, so that you can ...

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