In this post, I'll show you how to use Trello for maximum productivity.
In this tutorial, I'll share 3 tools with you, that I've used for a long time to manage my projects, manage my day to day work and get more done.
The first tool is the task management app Trello (which you can use for free). The second tool is a specific Trello setup that I use for personal productivity (and I'll walk you through exactly how to set it up). Finally, the third tool is a a collection of my favorite, time-saving keyboard shortcuts.
Combine all 3 and you'll be blazing through your daily tasks like never before!
Check out the video above to see the system in action and read on for the step-by-step tutorial on how to set up you lists, boards, tasks and more!
Note: Video Timestamps
If you're already familiar with Trello, two significant points in the video you may want to skip to are:
- 01:28 - overview of the lists I create for the personal productivity board.
- 09:05 - tricks and shortcuts to make Trello more efficient.
About Trello
Trello is a project management and task management app that works in your browser as well as on your phone or tablet. They have an app for almost any device you can think of. The software is loosely based on the Kanban project management method, but you can customize it to suit many different scenarios.
Trello has become wildly popular over the last few years and one of the reasons is that it's not only fast and easy to use, it's also basically free forever. They do have a premium plan, but you can use it for yourself and even with large teams, with few restrictions. If you've never used it before, I highly recommend you give it a try.
How to Set Up Your Personal Productivity Board
The workspace in Trello consists of boards, lists and cards. Each board contains one or several lists and each list can contain many cards. Within a card, you can have descriptions, links, images, checklists, due dates, team members, comments and so on.
A card can represent a unit of work and this unit of work can be moved between different lists (or stages) on a board and even between different boards.
If that all sounds a bit abstract, don't worry: the best way to learn how to use a tool is to actually use it. So let's get right into the practical steps.
The Lists
On a new board, create the following lists:
- "In"
- "This Week"
- "Today"
- "Waiting"
- "Done"

This board is now ready to take in cards and to process them. Think of the a card, as mentioned above, as a unit of work. Each unit of work enters the board on the left side, in the first list and moves through to board towards the right, until it is completed.
As work is done, tasks flow from left to right through this workspace and you can get an at-a-glance view of what's in progress, what's done and what's important to do next.

Tasks in a board flow from left to right, in a populated Trello board.
The lists we've created each have a specific purpose.
The "In" list is where all new work comes in. Whenever a new task comes in from anywhere or you have a new idea, create a card for it in the "In" column. One major advantage of using this list is that you can get stuff out of your head. Or, when a new task comes your way, you can make sure that it's added to the list, even if you don't have time to take care of it or prioritize it right that moment. But having it in the "In" list gives you peace of mind, because you know this will be processed eventually.
The "This Week" list is where you add tasks once a week, from the "In" list. These are higher priority or more urgent tasks, that you want to get done by the end of the week. Ideally, you only populate this list once a week and then empty it out over the course of the week. Realistically, sometimes new tasks will be added during the week and you won't always be able to clear everything. But that's okay. It's better to have an imperfect plan for the week than no plan at all.
The "Today" list is, you guessed it, where you add tasks you want to get done today. Depending on your preference, you can pull tasks into "Today" either every morning or every evening, to plan the next day.
The "Waiting" list is for tasks where you've done all the work you can do and you're waiting for something or someone else. An example of this from my work: when I've finished recording a video, I hand it off to my editor. At this point, the video isn't finished yet, but my work on the video is done, for the time being. Until the editor is done with their part of the work, the task is pending for me and I want to get it out of my "in progress" lists.
The "Done" list is for tasks that are completed. You can also choose to immediately archive tasks that are done (more on that later). The advantage of having a "Done" column is that it lets you periodically review the work you've completed in the last week or month.
Sorting by Priority
There's one more basic principle we need to put into place, in order to get the most out of Trello. Above, we looked at how cards flow from left to right through a process. The second crucial factor is to sort cards within a list by priority. Place the highest priority cards at the top of the list.

Get used to sorting cards like this and periodically re-order cards as priorities shift. As a result, you'll be able to get a comprehensive overview of your work at a glance, on your Trello board. You'll immediately see what work is in what stage and what's the most important stuff to work on next.
What Goes Into Trello Cards?
Each Trello card can contain all kinds of information and you can use a card to represent an entire, large project or just a single task. You can also integrate Trello with countless other apps and share data between them and Trello.
With so many options, what should you populate cards with, for maximum productivity?
Not Too Much, Not Too Little
You can definitely put too much into a Trello card, making it lose the advantage of giving you quickly accessible information. But I also don't recommend making a separate card for each micro-task - that will just clutter up your board.
I've done into more detail on this in my video on Board Velocity, but in short, here's my recommendation: ideally, one Trello card represents a piece of work that can be done in a day or less.
Yes: Checklists, Descriptions, Links
Most typically, I will use checklists in a card and I'll add notes and links to the description field. Here's a simplified example of what I usually "store" in a card:

I love using checklists within cards. This allows me to break any task into micro-tasks and gives a greater sense of momentum, as I'm getting work done. Checklists are also great for any task that comes with a repeating process. For example, making sure you do all the right steps when publishing a new blog post or sending out a newsletter.
No: Content Writing, Long Discussions
I don't write content in Trello or use Trello for extensive note taking. If there are documents related to a card, I will simply add a link to that document in the card description. In my business, we use Google Drive to store documents and other resources. But something like Dropbox, Evernote or countless other options could work just as well.
Every Trello card comes with a comment field. I only use the comment field for a few specific purposes:
- When a card is moved into "Waiting" I add a comment with a note about what this task is waiting for.
- I use @mentions to ping team members about important card updates.
I don't use the comments function in Trello to actually discuss work. I think it gets too overcrowded, too fast. I would much rather meet face to face, get on a call or use a dedicated app like Slack for work related discussions.
How to Use Trello Labels
A neat feature in Trello is that you can add labels to cards. You can freely name labels and have as many of them as you want. There are many ways to use labels. Here's my approach: I use labels to categorize different work types.
Here are the labels I use for the ActiveGrowth work board:

The label colors help me see at a glance what category any given card belongs to. For me, it's useful to distinguish between "admin" work and a card that represents a blog post, for example. However, in your case, useful categorization may look different.
In case you're wondering why there's an "ActiveGrowth" label in the ActiveGrowth board, here's an important thing you need to know: each board in Trello has its own set of labels. Whenever you move a card that has labels to a new board, any labels that the card has, but the board doesn't, will be created. In this case, there's an ActiveGrowth label because I added a card from a Braindump board in which I have ideas categorized by the business they belong to.
Super Fast Trello Use: Keyboard Shortcuts
My favorite thing to make Trello even more efficient and productive is using keyboard shortcuts.
Hover your mouse cursor over a card and hit:
- Space bar to assign the card to yourself.
- A to bring up a search dialogue in which you can quickly assign a card to a different team member.
- L to quickly assign a label to the card.
- D to set a due date/deadline for the card.
- C to instantly archive the card.
These are all things you can also do by clicking on the card to open it and then clicking on a corresponding button inside the card. The great thing about the keyboard shortcuts is that you can access the functions more quickly without having to open a card first.
A Note About Archiving Cards
You can hit the "C" key to instantly archive any card and that is one way to "complete" a task and clear it off of the board. This is faster than moving a card into a "done" list. However, especially when working with a team, there's a lot of value in having a "done" list and reviewing that list with the team, once a week or once a month. It gives everyone a sense of what has been done and helps keep people accountable as well.
You can review your "done" column once a week and then choose "Archive all cards in this list" from the list option to clear it out.
If you're working with a team, the very best keyboard shortcut is "Q". Whenever you hit Q, a filter is applied to the board, to show you only cards that are assigned to you.
This is super useful on a crowded board, to help you focus on your own work. Plus, every team member should periodically enter this "only my cards" filtered view to "clean up" and make sure all their cards are in the right lists.
Other Resources
Having a strong system makes a big difference to productivity. But no matter how good your system is, it's no guarantee for getting things done.
If you struggle with procrastination, then a system like the one presented here probably won't fix that problem. But don't despair, I've got some other useful resources for you:
If you are prone to "procrastination by perfectionism" and endlessly working on things, tinkering with things and tweaking things (but never publishing them), watch this video. Then, listen to this podcast episode.
If your procrastination feels more like laziness, then your prescription is to read this blog post and then listen to this podcast episode.
More Trello?
This should give you all the tools you need to get started and get more stuff done. Would you like to see more Trello tutorials in the future? I've been working with it for a long time and have many systems for using it, both for myself and for teams. Let me know if you have specific types of work you struggle to manage or specific questions about how to use a tool like Trello by leaving a comment below!

Great video/blog.
Quick answer: yes, more Trello-based posts please. It highlights your thinking processes and your work processes. Keeps it real.
Bottom line: I trust your work-related approaches way more than those of random strangers on YouTube who offer to teach similar productivity hacks.
Anyone out there ever try to merge Trello (as a to-do guidance tool) with MindMaps (as a master campaign planning tool)? Looking for as automated as possible solutions (else the admin work becomes excessive and the approach breaks down).
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your comment, Trevor!
Personally, I don’t use mind maps. I’ve tried them several times over the years, but they always seem more messy than helpful, to me. I do sometimes use diagrams (using, but I haven’t attempted to link those with Trello in any way.
I agree Mind Maps can become very messy.
What I love about Mind Maps is the ability to add items in any order and connect them as needed, creating emerging order out of chaos.
This approach helps me see inter-relationships and synergies I may have missed. It is also related to the Clustering process used frequently when Converging in Creative Problem Solving.
(That is why it would be the cat’s meow for a brain dump, but I suspect I would also holistically see which clusters of “cards” are getting done and which I am systematically starving for attention when I do my monthly and quarterly reviews)
Ordered lists may approximate this, but are less fluid and harder to scan holistically if the lists lengthen into multiple pages.
Of course, that is my experience – your mileage may vary.
Trevor, have you tried Scapple for mindmapping?
Thanks for the suggestion.
No, I have not yet tried Scapple.
However, the (older) version of Mind Manager allows for free-form input in “brainstorming” mode, so I suspect it may approximate well.
Still, I suspect I will try out Scapple one day…
Have you used Scapple and have you exported to or imported from Trello?
Hi Trevor
I use Mind Maps from time to time and have just moved from XMind to SmartDraw which has Trello integration. Have yet to play with it but need to learn Trello first. SD does so much more than mond maps, including Gantt charts, presentations, everything you can do in By comparison Scapple is very basis.
Hi Shane, thanks for the awesome blogpost and youtube content, definately has improved my thought process for staying organised with projects & tasks, to do lists etc….Subs for youtube channel, please keep up the amazing content… lwa.{dev}
Hi Shane, great video. The shortcuts and filters are awesome, glad you’ve included these in your video.
I’ve been using a similar system for myself for a long time now. Where it seems to break down for me is when I have multiple projects going with different teams involved (think: consulting clients). Do you have thoughts on how to structure multiple boards and still manage your personal Kanban board effectively?
Thank you for your comment, Alex.
That really depends on the type of work you do and the size of those projects.
There are fundamentally two ways in which to manage multiple projects in Trello: by using labels and filters or by using different boards.
As a rule of thumb, I recommend to organize it in such a way that people of the same team are working on the same board and that any given team member has one main board to work on.
In other words: avoid spreading people and teams across multiple boards.
So, if you have Team A fully dedicated to Project A for the longer term, then create Board A for them. But if you have some people working on Project A, B and C and some projects are smaller and shorter term etc. then it’s better to keep everything in one board and use labels and filters to give each team member a “clean” view of their work, while you still have the overview of everything that’s being done as well as the order of priority for things.
Hey Shane,
YES please for more content on Trello! This was fantastic. Love the shortcuts too.
Thanks, Kim!
Shane, that was a great introduction to Trello. I understand it’s use and usefulness. I’ve seen other Trello tutorials that left me confused and unsure how it would apply to me. Your spot-on presentation has inspired me to give Trello a try.
And from your previous post about Bento Box thinking, I can clearly see that thinking method applied to this meaningful and effective presentation.
As a side note to Trevor McAlpine, regarding merging Trello and mindmaps. This is not a direct answer to your question – it’s more of a slightly related comment. I’ve been down the road of using multiple tools to stay organized. In my case, the tools become as much a part of the chaos as the tasks I’m trying to organize. But it’s still hard to resist the allure of cool tools.
Best Regards,
Randal V
Thank you for your comment, Randal!
Regarding the use of multiple tools: this can be really tricky. I’ve never found a truly “one size fits all” tool, but as you say, if you mix and match too many of them, it just increases the chaos. It’s quite difficult to find the right balance. Trello can serve many teams and many purposes, which is one of the reasons I recommend it. But for Thrive Themes, it’s not the only tool we use to manage projects either.
Totally agree! As Trevor indicated about using mindmaps…
Problem is, not one tool does everything, and everyone’s work flow is going to be somewhat unique…and I never saw the need to automate them or integrate them with my other tools… They were more for my own brainstorming…
Even though I use mindmaps occasionally, I also find them messy! The one iOS app I finally found that I liked (from the UI perspective) hasn’t stayed current with the latest iOS, and won’t even work any more… :-(
Would be great to see a comparison tutorial/post on the different productivity tools, and what’s right for which work flow… Like “best for solo’s” & “best for teams” perhaps…
I also tried Asana, several years ago, but they migrated over to mostly collaboration features and I found it no longer useful to me as a solo…
This is just what I needed! I’ve been trying to come up with a method thta suits how I think and you did it!
That’s great to hear. Thanks, Chris!
Thanks for this! I’ve just finished (SHIPPED, Yay!) a giant course and now I need to go into marketing/promotion mode, which means I’m reevaluating my productivity systems for personal and work stuff.
My office mate LOVES Trello and he wrote this:
I’d be curious to know how it compared to how you use Trello for your team.
Congrats on shipping, Kronda!
Thanks for the article. I will check it out and see what I can learn from it. :)
Excellent stuff, thanks Shane, and very timely. After years of using OneNote (which is still great) I just recently returned to Trello for project work. It didn’t suit me before but it seems to be the missing piece right now.
OneNote is alright for note taking, but for managing projects and tasks, I think you can be a lot more productive with Trello. I hope it will work out for you as well.
Great tips. Would be nice having more posts about how to maximize Trello.
Thanks for your comment, Alfonso.
Thanks Shane great work! Ive made a mess of 100’s of todos / projects in Asana and EverNote and Quip. You and Trello blew the fog away with this simple solution / looks effective as presented but look forward to more of your tips.
Hi Randy,
I used Asana for a long time as well. I think it’s a great tool, but especially for teamwork, I prefer Trello these days. I hope the setup I showed will help get some order into your task management.
Wow! Yes, more, please!
Thank you, Falk! I’ll be creating some more tutorials on this.
BTW, seems awesome as well. (One app version reviewer: “this is what Trello could have been.”)
Anyway, for now excited try out Trello with your system. :)
PS: Andre Chaperon talked about it in an email a few months ago:
“I’m loving a spreadsheet tool called Airtable.
It makes it easy to organize stuff, people, ideas and *anything* else you can imagine.
It’s free.
There is a paid version, too, but I’ve not yet found the need to upgrade.”
Airtable is gaining a lot of popularity lately, yes. I haven’t used it very extensively, but my impression is that Airtable is a lot more flexible and powerful than Trello, but it’s also a lot more complex. You can be using Trello for your workflow 5 minutes from now, even if you’ve never heard of it. To set up a similar flow in Airtable, you’ll have to invest at least a few hours to get a grip on it.
I would recommend checking Airtable if there are specific, complex flows that you want to do or if you need advanced, rich data and custom fields and Trello can’t serve that purpose. For something like a personal productivity board, it’s overkill.
Great tutorial, Shane! :-)
I would love to see more Trello tutorials… I’m a solo, so no teams or collaboration are required (which of course also means I do *everything*! )
I use Trello (several months now) but I’m embarrassed to say I have stuff all over the place! I think I have something like 10+ boards (from when I started winging it a few months ago…not having a clue how to best use it! ).
A recent Trello article suggested a GTD (Getting things Done) approach, so I’ve been trying that, but I still have stuff all over the place, duplicating content…
The GTD board helped somewhat, but I still find myself overwhelmed by all of the lists!
Your board seems so much more effective! Thanks for sharing it and explaining how you use it (rules, boundaries…how & why!).
I’m wondering if you manage to limit your own personal board to just 1 board… I have boards for Goals, Projects, To Do’s, Ideas, Content, etc. And…there’s a lot of overlap! (I’ve often thought of starting over, but …)
Hello Karen,
I only have one board with my own tasks, which is the one I showed. I do have multiple Trello boards as well, but those are related to the different businesses, projects and teams that I work with.
It does make sense to have multiple boards for clearly distinct projects and teams, but I’d avoid having multiple boards for just yourself. Instead, try using labels and filters.
Thanks, Shane! :-)
Yes, I do use labels, but I have found that I’d like to have more labels (“colors”) available… Didn’t try the filters, but noticed that in your video, and think I’ll see how I can use them…
Perhaps you could include in another tutorial some additional organizing tips/hacks…(like with the labels, etc.)
I’m definitely going to copy your board template and start using it…
I also use Evernote (pro version; for years now) and love it as a repository for all my ideas… If you have any productivity recommendations — or better yet *systems* — for blending the 2 platforms, that would be awesome! Of, if you could do a tutorial on that… :-) For years, Evernote has been my single location for the “brain dump” & since Trello has a “power-up” for Evernote, I do attach related Notes to Trello cards…
*For any new to Trello, they have a “Gold” level ($5/month USD) which gives you 3 “power-ups” or app integrations. It’s not terrible obvious, but you can search for that plan and it will show up…*
Still, my Trello boards are very chaotic! All of your advice is greatly needed! ;-)
Thanks for your input!
Thanks Shane. I’ve been needing to implement a good productivity/to do system (after finding many I’ve tried in the past too complex to persevere with), and your video inspired me to start using Trello. One feature I find fantastic that you didn’t mention is the ability to easily turn emails into cards. Good stuff! Forrest Smyth. CEO,
Thank you, Forrest. I’d love to hear how you’re getting along with Trello, once you’ve gotten used to it.
HAve you used simpleology before? and if so what do you think of it (vs your trello method here)? thanks!
I have yes, but it was a long time ago. I didn’t get into it because it seemed to me that you had to buy into the whole method to really get use out of the tool. And it just wasn’t a good match for me.
However, that’s a long time ago and I have no idea what the tool looks like these days.
thanks for sharing. I may try trello, but hopefully with your method, as a single person starting my biz (and maybe 1 outsourcer down the road) i can use the free account to do it. thanks again! (really like the thrive comment plugin here. As a thrivetheme member i will use it myself)
Definitely no worries about the budget. I’m using half a dozen Trello boards for 2 different businesses with 10+ people sharing the boards and we’re still on the free plan. :)
Super useful stuff Shane. Everyone is always commenting on how much they uselove Trello, but this is the first time I see someone actually showing hisher setup. Thanks.
Thank you, Pablo. Glad you liked the tutorial!
Loved this video, thanks so much for taking the time to share!
Would love to see more in-depth tips and tricks for working in Trello with a team (say 4 – 6 people) on multiple client projects (for web development) at the same time.
What kinds of labels would you use? How do you actually use the filter features? And anything else that you would recommend or can think to share. :)
Thanks again Shane!
Thank you for your feedback, Chris! I will keep these points in mind for future tutorials.
I’m interested to Shane. What about a service business that has repeatable tasks assigned to people on a calendar? Would that also be in Trello? Or in Asana?
Quick update… Still very interesting to learn more about using Trello in a team context. LOVED hearing about your approach and philosophy so far. It really resonated with me.
I also signed up for your “focus & action” for Jan. 2019. Any chance you’ll address more Trello stuff there?
Thanks for your comment, Chris!
Yes, we’ll get into Trello to some extent in the course as well. But I’ll also make more videos on the topic freely available on the blog, in the future.
I’m joining the course and following this thread. I’m glad to hear Trello is a part of the course.
Thanks for joining, Hank!
Awesome system, much easier to stay productive and have accountability at the end of the week. Would love to see more tips how you’re using trello and how do you stay productive on daily tasks? Do you use Pomodoro technique or something else?
Also, how do you handle daily repeating tasks? It can get cluttered fast with repeating tasks but if it’s something like a new habit you would still need to somehow track it to remember.
I’ve found that I *have* to use multiple tools, especially for practical daily calendaring, repeated tasks included… I’m a solo freelancer and am mobile, so I use an app for iOS.
But as others on here have said, rarely does a single tool handle “everything” well!
Hello Jason,
Thank you for your comment! I will be sharing more about how I use Trello and other tools in the future.
For repeating tasks, you can also use Trello. My higher level goal is to eliminate repeating tasks as much as possible, though and I can create some content about that as well.
Shane, thank you for this post. I still use my printed calendar but I love the idea to move on. :) Your tuttorial is so simple and will try to use Trello. Of course, I would like to know more about it.
Thank you, Irena!
Great content Shane. Very much interested in knowing much more about trello and the way you use it. Thanks!!
Thank you for your comment, Ruben!
Hi Shane,
Yes, I would love to hear more ways you use Trello. Particularly with managing multiple boards (i.e. multiple boards, multiple clients, multiple businesses.) Do you just go into each one separately, or is there a way to see all to-do’s for all projects?
My only way to see this has been with the google calendar integration, by setting due dates on everything and then syncing the google calendar.
I’d be interested if you had a different approach.
Thank you for your feedback, Liz!
I’ll keep this in mind and make a video about how I manage multiple Trello boards, yes. :)
Fantastic and very useful post. And +1 for future deeper dives into Trello (and other systems & tools you use.)
Off topic, but the backgrounds made me a bit curious: What country are you in atm?
Hi Tom, thanks for your comment! I’m glad you enjoyed this content and I’ll be creating some more videos on how I use Trello, in the future.
I’m currently in Bali. :)
Quick question:
I’ve set up my new board like yours, and I’m starting to move things over into it… I’m wondering how you handle “ideas” in your board… I was thinking of putting them in the “braindump” list but then I’m not sure how (where) they would get processed to??? Should I just forget using Trello for that and save them all in Evernote instead? How do you handle tracking your ideas?
Thanks for this Trello inspiration, Shane! I’ve been using Trello on and off. Last time I used it is already a year ago. Every time I start using it, after a couple of months I get overwhelmed with the whole system and then I stop using it.
However, I do use your “big picture Excel sheet” on a daily basis, you shared with us at the beginning of this year. In addition to that, I think I will start using Trello again based on your video.
Question: every project can get quickly ten or more activities you put in the checklist within the cards. And when the total duration time for all of these activities is two weeks or more, then you have the card for two weeks or more in your Priority list and Today list. From a high-level perspective, it seems that there is no progress. Only when you look at the card you see the progress. How do you cope with that? And another question: how do you cope with hundreds of cards, especially when you use it for your business. How do you remain the overview?
My solution to do this was to have a separate board for every project. However, the disadvantage to for me was that you then have to switch every time between boards, and don’t have an immediate overview of the tasks you have to do today.
To summarize my questions: yes, I’d like you to follow-up with some more in-depth insights on how to use Trello! Thanks!!
That’s an interesting problem that you bring up. My short answer is that exactly because of what you describe, we have to be deliberate in choosing the right size of task to apply to a card. In Trello, I avoid adding a project that will take weeks to complete to a single card. In fact, I’m looking for something like 5 minutes to 10 hours of work per card. Anything larger than that gets broken up into multiple cards.
That way, I can have an overview on one board and still have things moving through the board at a good pace. Also, I generally prefer working with fewer boards and using filters to make busy boards more usable.
Great article Shane!
For this big project issue, I’m creating a “Projects” board where each project will be broken down into the smaller chunked cards. At weekly planning time, I look at the cards I want to tackle and then use the move feature to move the card to the productivity board’s ToDo list and continue from there.
Thank you Shane! I love the tips! I have struggled with organization as my business is growing. There are so many tools to choose from and most have a frustrating learning curve when I am already very busy. This makes sense and you really simplified it with actionable insights and tips. Thank you!
Thanks, Shane. This is very useful. I look forward to more tips from you.
Shane, great stuff. More Trello videos please.
I thought years ago you said you used Asana for project management. Did that change? Or am I imagining it?
Thanks as always for keeping us focused on the important stuff!
That’s correct, yes. I used to prefer Asana to Trello. However, I think Trello is definitely superior for teamwork. And over time, I’ve changed my personal task management approach as well and it fits Trello better now.
Hi Shane,
Excellent info as always. Can you help a newbie out, is Trello the same as Pipedrive or are they different beasts?
Cheers buddy,
Totally different. Pipedrive is a sales CRM tool. In Trello, you could set up a board to act as a sales CRM, but it’s not optimized for the task. And conversely, you could probably manage your projects in Pipedrive, but you’d be bending it out of shape pretty badly to do so. :D
Thank you! This is just what I’ve been thinking I need!!! I’ve already started. :)
Glad to hear that, Theresa!
More Trello please.
Noted. :)
Shane, I need more.
Following your advice, I set up a personal productivity Trello a week ago, and this stuff just WORKS !
Your process is really effective. I love putting every idea I get in the braindump area, then either deleting it or making it become a reality by advancing it through the funnel.
Now, what I would love from you is a video similar to this one, but focused on team effort. I’m working with multiple freelancers, and it’s very hard to keep track of what everyone is doing at any time. I think Trello could help.
Keep up the great content !
Love this, more please. Its really great!
Fantastic tips Shane, I’ve been using Trello for a few months now (the paid version) and I had no idea about the shortcuts you mentioned here.
Being a guy who loves to use keyword shortcuts this will definitely improve a LOT my time working inside Trello and organizing my tasks.
Thanks a lot man!
More please!
I work with several VA’s who do very similar tasks every day, or once a week. How do you set up recurring tasks in Trello?
What about teams? Shane, I’m interested in how you also use Trello for teams? Especially as like me you have remote teams.
I also have recurring tasks that are services I provide through team members.
I know you used to use Asana and now prefer Trello. Except I’d like to see how you set up those boards. If you suggest someone working with clients set up a new board for each client? Or a board for specific grouped tasks with different clients?
Maybe because you are more product based you don’t need Asana? Would Trello work as well for someone with long-term monthly service clients and outsource teams?
I’ve narrowed it down to these two. I’m curious what you think or if you plan to create a post on this. I think it would be well received just as you review other tools.
Last – are you leaning toward Intercom replacing Active Campaign?
Great content!
Hi Shane, can you share more system that you use Trello for you life such as:
+ Productivity at work
+ Focus on task
+ Lifestyle
+ Saving documents…
Thank you so much!
yes, please, more trello videos!
Thank you, Sage!
Like several others following this thread, I’ve also joined the course!
Super-excited to hear about this course, Shane! I’m eager to make 2019 the year I finally get a process in place, and quit spinning my wheels & I’m sure this course will help me do just that! :-)
Shane, I’m hopeful you’ll be discussing your productivity tools and their integration in the course. As I mentioned in one of my comments above, I’ve found it impossible to find any ONE tool that does everything, and want to keep my productivity toolkit as lean as possible.
Hope to see others in the course!
Happy New Year! (I’m in California so it’s a few hours away still ;-) LoL!)
Thank you, Karen!
I’m not sure I can fulfill your wish of one tool to rule them all, but I will cover my entire system and the different tools I use. :)
Yeah…I don’t really expect to realistically find a single super-tool! ;-) Glad to know you’ll be covering all your tools in the course! Thanks again! :-)
Shane, loved the Trello bad ass video. Particularly the keyboard shortcuts! Who knew?
Quick question, what software package did you use to capture on screen and your video? I liked the way that the two were integrated and would like to incorporate it into some technical educational content at my company
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your comment. There’s a tutorial here that explains how we create this video effect.
Hey Shane,
YES please for more content on Trello! This was fantastic. Love the shortcuts too.
Thank you, Ramzi!
Thanks for the tutorial, Shane.
Been using Trello for a while, but got some good tips from this Short Vid.
I’m happy to hear that!
This was super helpful. Thanks so much for taking the time to create it.
Hi Shane, I’ve purchased your course and am a Thrive Themes Member.. I love your work, your style etc. When you get back to doing these tutorials – I would love to see how you would set up a board for a new website dev project. (small site) :-)
thanks Shane. Today I will write my blog around the question what addiction really is and what this means to a family member. My CTA is to get my readers to apply for a free consultation Zoom session in oder to get them to apply for my online CRAFT course.
Hi, is the course still available somewhere, I am really interested?
Shane has recently released a productivity course, Focus & Action Live under his new “ikario” brand. You can find it here:
The 9-week course recently ended but I believe he is going to open it again in 2021…