Last week, as a closure of the ActiveGrowth Podcast launch day, we held a live webinar to answer your questions about the podcast and the topic that we choose for our first three episodes: why you should quit chasing traffic and focus on getting your first customer instead.Based on all the questions and feedback we got, we decided to record a 4th episode as part of the "Forget Traffic!" series. We noticed that there's some resistance to the idea of ...

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How do you move from a Customer First online coaching business to actually selling products online?In the 3rd episode of the Forget Traffic! podcast mini-series, Shane and Hanne are going to show you exactly how to do that.If you missed the first two episodes of the series, you can download the audio and read the show notes here: Part 1, Part 2. In this episode, we lay out a plan you can follow to scale up your business. With the Customer First ...

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In our previous podcast episode – Part 1 of the Forget Traffic! mini-series – Shane and Hanne introduced the Customer First Approach and why it's so important to avoid chasing more traffic – which is ultimately a 'customer last' approach!In this episode, Part 2 of the Forget Traffic! series, Shane puts the customer first approach into action by demonstrating how to bootstrap it through an online coaching business right away.Listen in to discover that getting your first customer takes less tech and a lot less budget than you would have probably guessed. ...

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The most important thing you need to grow your online business is more traffic to your website, right?Well, here at ActiveGrowth, we say...forget about traffic altogether! In our first full podcast episode – Forget Traffic! Part 1 – we're going to tell you why.It turns out that web traffic is overrated when it comes to pulling success levers for your online business. In fact, traffic is such an over-emphasized performance indicator that it usually distracts you from much more important things that actually help to grow your business.In Episode 1: Forget Traffic! – Part 1, Shane and ...

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