Click Here to See the Webinar Replay and Blog Post!
All Links from the Webinar:
Here are the links and sources mentioned in the presentation, in chronological order:
- SEOmoz on the history of Google algorithm changes.
- “What Google Wants” blog post.
- Matt Cutts talking about the impact of page speed on rankings.
- Source for the stats on the impact of page speed on user engagement and conversion rates.
- How Google sees your social connections on the web.
- Bounce rates infographic (take with a grain of salt, since the Google Analytics bounce rate data is terribly inaccurate).
- Google Analytics alternatives.
- Social Essentials – free WordPress plugin for social stats.
- The New Traffic Paradigm blog post.
All the best,
Please leave a comment below.
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Note that I don’t reply to all comments, but I do read them all. If I don’t reply to your comment, it most likely means that I agree with what you say and don’t have anything meaningful to add, myself. I appreciate and read all comments and your comments play an important part in what I write about, so keep them coming.
Spammy comments are always filtered or removed. No surprise there.
Hi Shane,
Good webinar with plenty of good sense that needed to be said.
I do have a question. Why Wistia rather than say Easy Video Player + Amazon S3?
Hi George,
Wistia is an incredible video service in more ways than I can go into, in a simple reply.
There are two big advantages, among many smaller ones: 1. It comes with extremely useful video analytics and 2. The player loads pretty much instantly and video streams perfectly, without you having to worry about encoding details yourself.
The biggest issue (in fact, the only real issue) with EVP2 is that the player takes a couple seconds to initialize and, especially with large video files, the video itself can take another few seconds before it starts playing. For sales-videos, this kind of waiting time translates very directly to lost sales.
Side note: I’ve updated Screencast Blueprint to reflect this new recommendation and I’ll be publishing a blog post about online video soon.
Hey Shane–
about Wistia–I had been assuming I’d use evp2 and host videos with amazon3–
are you saying we should pay $23 per month instead to go with wistia?
btw, I went through your screencast course last year–could you direct us to the new section?
thanks a bunch
Hi Rik,
This video and the three following are the new ones.
The video player issue is a detail. Actually making and using videos has priority over details and what type of player you use is always secondary to that.
Wistia is the better solution, particularly for sales videos, but I wouldn’t say it’s critical. Once you get a few sales on a regular basis, you can sign up for Wistia, which will most likely lead to a bump in conversions and make the service pay for itself.
I totally agree that…. “the only real issue) with EVP2 is that the player takes a couple seconds to initialize and, especially with large video files, the video itself can take another few seconds before it starts playing. For sales-videos, this kind of waiting time translates very directly to lost sales.”
More than once have wondered how to improve that besides optimizing the video for a small file size.
Perhaps will test Wistia at some point on a sales video.
Thanks Shane,
Great webinar, the last hour was really interesting! On a side note, with all of the recent deindexing of blog networks, how soon is SECockpit updated to reflect what google is now showing on page one? Ie; is there a time lag? Also, can you setup some simple “wish list” for SECockpit features we would like to see added? Its a great product and hope you continue refining it.
Great webinar, Shane. Thanks. What an exciting time it is in the world of Google. It’ll be interesting to see how the Panda/quality stuff evolves over this year. It’s all providing an excellent incentive to diversify and stay on top of things. I will definitely be looking forward to hearing your take on things moving forward.
The bit on GA alternatives was very helpful too. I thought about going with Clicky, but I use Adsense on my two main sites now, so I guess changing those would be somewhat pointless.
On a similar note though, what are your thoughts on Google Webmaster Tools? Is that something worth using, even though it let’s Google know exactly what site’s you own?
Thanks for all your hard work and great info.
Thanks, Erim!
I only ever add my “above board” sites to GWT. Only sites that I’d be happy to have manually reviewed.
In other words: any site that I’d build nowadays. I didn’t add my thin affiliate sites, that I used to build.
Thanks, good to know. By the way, it was always obvious to me that you’re a human. Just FYI. :)
Haha, good to know!
For people who weren’t on the webinar, this will look like a rather weird comment. :D
You are quickly becoming a GURU!! LOL!!! :-) I think this webinar proves that people really appreciate your “No BS” Approach to SEO and teaching SEO!!
Uh oh… how can I prevent guru-dom? Is it inevitable?
Seriously though: thanks for the comment! I’m glad you liked the webinar. :)
What I think is pretty amazing is how you and Paul managed to create a webinar that I wanted to stay the whole presentation for. Most webinars I’ve started quickly bore me with too much fluff but not that one yesterday. Thanks.
Hey Shane
Just to say thanks for the best webinar ever. I actually felt sad when it ended, which I’ve never felt after an online training event before.
I think part of its success was due to the playful interaction between you and Paul. An audio is always more captivating when its a conversation rather than a monologue.
And just to prove that I was there right up to the end I’d like to sum it up by saying it was f*****g great! ;-)
cheers mate,
PS What’s your opinion of social bookmarking sites like Socialadr, post Google purge? I would hazard a guess that they are safer than blog networks but as a newbie I really don’t know and would value your take on this.
** My first attempt at posting didn’t happen so hope this isn’t duplicated.
Hi Leo,
Thanks a lot! :)
SocialAdr is a very good concept (as is Synnd, except that that’s executed poorly). However, it’s also a type of network, much like BMR was and I’d say that a slap of some sort is not out of the question. I’m not saying it’s going to happen or going to happen soon. Just that it’s possible.
Hello from Montana,
Thanks for sharing these tips and techniques. There is so much success and abundance that everyone can be successful by cooperating and sharing.
Best of luck in your business and I will keep my eyes peeled for the next webinar.
Judy H. Wright, author and motivational speaker
Usually, after digesting a Sunday interlude I have an imperious comment or two that nobody really cares about, so instead, I will simply describe what happened about a half hour ago. My wife went to get the dog, and when she hit the deck, two doves about half the size of chickens flew off. The sad thing was that they were there gobbling up cat food from the cat food bowl with my two cats laying on the deck watching them do it. It is only an 8×10 deck, Shane.
I have just concluded the webinar video. To quote a movie, “I am totally blown away, kid.”
Having followed to the letter the BBP way, precisely as you laid out in the webinar, for my last several projects, is this the “edge” I have been seeking in our new Panda terrorized world? BBP v2.1? I kinda think so. Natch, the old wetware wheels were really churning.
BTW, it was good to finally hear an explanation of your last name. I have had mixed theories of the origin. Again, I was stunned to learn it was Irish. The throat clearing thing at the end really bolixed up my originometer.
This was your best webinar yet. $37 with a Warrior discount stuff. And you just gave it away to your fans. Once again I am in your debt. No kidding.
Umbly yours,
Haha, gotta love the lazy cats! :)
Thanks for your comment, Norm! I’m glad to know that you enjoyed the webinar as well.
Hi there, Shane! Great webinar! I’m sorry I missed the beginning… But thanks for sharing such great info!
Let me ask you something about blog networks. Some people offer this service on a smaller scale than, let’s say, build my ranks or article ranks. You can find lots of people offering these services on forum like wickedfire. I tested a few of them to see what kind of links these people are offering…
Some will even create a rather readable 500 article to put a link to your website, but they are mostly from .com domains with no PR or authority whatsoever. My question is: are these links more worthy then, let’s say, links from or domains? Do you find a .com domain really that much better than a subdomain from a bloghost, considering they have the same age?
Thank you very much for all the work you’ve been doing…
Links from independent websites have more value for at least one reason: you can get one good link from a site. But any further links you get will presumably count like links from one and the same website, even if they are on different subdomains.
With independent sites, you can keep scaling and every extra link you get from a new site, counts as a full link, passing full value.
Hi Shane,
Really enjoyed the webinar. Pleasant change to watch something that doesn’t have a paypal button at the end of it and I guess this is why you have such a good following.
As I live in Thailand and was up from 2.00am until 5.00am could you do the next one with me in mind as my wife is starting to wonder what I was watching on the internet at such a time.
Well done,
Hi Paul,
Glad you enjoyed it!
I know that the timezone thing can be an issue. It’s always going to be an unsuitable time for a portion of the crowd, unfortunately.
Are you sure that you really are an internet marketer? I mean, the webinar had no “this is my realy clickbank earnings screenshot – honest” graphics or single-button, no work required, don’t forget to buy yourself a wheelbarrow to take the pile of cash to the bank, promotional BS that peppers other ‘marketers’ webinars.
Instead, if was full of rock solid straight talking, and carefuly considered, content.
Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to share your thoughts with us.
More power to you,
I’ll be selling a magic button on my next webinar, to make up for the lack of one here. :D
hi Shane,
This was like the webinars you used to do! I am up for another one.
I was recently on a webinar that was actually put on as part of a monthly subscription and the individual asked if anyone ever attended a webinar where there wasn’t a “pitch” at the end. Hell, you used to do one a week.
As always great information and a lot of fun!
Oh no, I’m gutted! Why no last hour :(
Even though it was a great time here in the UK, I actually managed to forget until about 10 to 10, probably an hour & 50 mins in.
I joined up but then thought you would just be winding up anyway, and I’d wait for the replay, grrr!
Thad’ll larn me :-) *in my best fake US accent*
Off to watch the “only 2 hours” replay now :D
It is a fact that some of our best southerners have been Brits. A subject of the realm can talk American and even redneck if they want to. Seen it done a hundred times. Leslie Howard was the foremost British/Georgian followed by Vivien Leigh. (Gone With The Tea Biscuit 1939) It don’t take no special larnin’.
Nooo, say it ain’t so! Vivien Leigh wasn’t a genoowine Southern Belle? /devastated
*can you tell I watch too many black & white fillums? :-D *
Hi Shane,
Thanks for your quality content!
Does it mean the so-called “niche marketing” model of creating many 3 to 5 pages tiny review website is no longer work?
How to improve such kind of website other than writing a longer quality content, proper onsite and offsite SEO and adding social media sharing button?
Does it mean there is no longer “automated” niche website that works and for the website to get better ranking, constant quality content has to be input like blogging? What if I just want to build a small website to promote affiliate product, rather than get involved deeply in that niche (the non-involved marketing that you mentioned)? Is this become a illusion or it is still a valid income stream?
Can’t believe that you didn’t get the whole three hours!! If you were doing some of the junk stuff that is floating around the web I would understand.
BUT for the valuable content that you have, lots of people are going to miss out on valuable information. And what is three hours when you are learning and enjoying yourself at the same time. Shame on Shane.
Hey Carolyn – were you on the call? If so you would have heard the last hour and the very clear reasons Shane gave for not recording it.
Shane and Paul gave their time completely free and without a sales pitch of any kind. I’ve never known anything like it and I’ve been on a good many webinars and teleconferences. In doing so they demonstrated their willingness to walk their talk and have certainly got my ear for all future events – and, interestingly, my increased willingness to buy from them when they do bring out another product or service. And of course to tell others about IMimpact.
In my experience, approaching everything in my life in the spirit of gratitude brings an inner peace that is the essence of true abundance, and which makes life worth living. So I would say to everyone who missed the live call, instead of harbouring regret about what you have not got, why not try giving thanks for the two hours of valuable free information Shane and Paul have shared?
with kindness,
Blast… I completely forgot about the webinar.. so off to listen to the part-replay!
Pity we aren’t being given the option to listen to the whole deal though… oh well.
Would also be interested to know if the ‘traditional’ review/affiliate type sniper sites would work anymore and/or if they can be made to work better by just adding social buttons/interaction?
Sniper sites, as in sites with only 1-5 pages and no backlinks, have a next to zero chance of ranking for anything useful, at this point. Especially since the whole point of a sniper site is to just get people to click on an affiliate link and not to provide any kind of real value.
Review sites and affiliate sites are still viable. However, something I never understood were single-product review sites. I.e. a site that reviews only on product. What I recommend you do is build a review site that reviews several products in a category. I.e. reviews and comparisons of different vacuum cleaners or different camera tripods or whatever. If you create a review site which features several well-written reviews, a comparison page for all the products and a few information-only pages on the niche topic, your chances of getting traffic and turning a profit are vastly improved over what you get with thin affiliate sites.
Get your point. This is what I am doing now as well. Do you have any suggestion of adding social media button to HTML website. I know we can do it easily on WordPress but how about HTML website?
There are official “button builders” available, like this one for twitter buttons (you can easily find the ones you need by googling). You can either manually insert them on your pages or, depending on the CMS you use, there will probably be some way of automatically appending them to pages, so you only have to manually add them once.
Thanks for your perspective on this concept Shane.
Thought I might just mention something I have experienced for your subscribers to further endorse your comments.
I have experienced some great success using the the single product review sites in the past [and still am] BUT over recent months some have become redundant due to changes to affiliate programs and a variety of other reasons outside my control. Even tho I am ranking #1 on Google it is worth nothing if I have nothing to market. Lots of work down the tube.
The end result is I am left with a semi-worthless PR site that can only be used for Blog sites like BMR…oh dear…missed that boat as well…ha ha. The same issues would not impact as badly on a multi-review website.
I will be amending my business model to a multiple review site within large niche but then narrow it down to specific products.
Your “the man” Shane.
Missed the live webinar but enjoyed the replay.