​I've been pursuing the "perfect" producitivty and project management system for over a decade now. Whether I'm working on a solo project or with large or small teams, I'm always looking for the right tech, tools & systems to make work as seamless and productive as possible. Unfortunately, a problem snuck up on me that took me a long time to detect. I've recently experimented with a move away from "best in class" tools and found that it does indeed ...

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​Being a digital nomad is a dream for many aspiring entrepreneurs. It seems glamorous and exciting to travel on a permanent basis and to keep discovering exciting new locations, countries and cities.​Unfortunately, it's a lifestyle that is really bad for productivity. In fact, it's a lifestyle that's incompatible with, well, a good lifestyle in many ways.In today's post, we'll discuss why this is and what you can do about it. ...

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Trello recently made a huge move: they integrated the "Butler" automation suite into the core features of Trello. Along with this change comes an updated and much improved user interface.What this means is that Trello - even for free accounts - now comes with almost infinitely customizable workflow automation. Anything you had to do repeatedly in Trello, you can now do with the click of a button. Or even better: without having to click anything at all.It's hard to overstate ...

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By now, it's common knowledge that multitasking is a myth. Trying to multitask makes you slower, less focused and less productive (sources). BUT... ...is that true for all kinds of multitasking? And where exactly does one draw the line between single-task focus and multitasking? Indeed, are we missing out on greater performance and productivity if we aren't practicing "multitasking in slow motion"? What is Multitasking in Slow Motion? Multitasking in slow motion is a concept introduced by Tim Harford in ...

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In this post, I'll show you how to use Trello for maximum productivity. In this tutorial, I'll share 3 tools with you, that I've used for a long time to manage my projects, manage my day to day work and get more done. The first tool is the task management app Trello (which you can use for free). The second tool is a specific Trello setup that I use for personal productivity (and I'll walk you through exactly how to ...

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To get started as an entrepreneur, you need to develop the ability to see opportunities to jump on. You need to see gaps in a market, you need to learn many new techniques and skills. And you need a certain optimism and can-do attitude, as well. These are excellent qualities to have... until they're not. As you're building up a business, the same qualities that helped you get started can get you stuck and slow down your progress. In today's ...

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We've all heard it: "it's not about how often you fail, it's about how often you get back up again".This quote and countless variations of it are a common sight in any book, blog or social media group about entrepreneurship. And while the message is true, it's not very useful.That's why in this post, I'll share a method for turning this cliché into action. And you'll discover the one thing no one tells you about what it really means to ...

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A year ago, I announced a new productivity experiment and invited you to join in. I created a simple spreadsheet where I would track 3 areas of my life on a weekly basis:Challenges (like 30 day challenges to form new habits)Focus skillsBooksA year has passed and so it's time to look back and asses: did this productivity experiment work? Should I have done things differently?Let's find out! ...

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If you're a content creator, you'll love the technique I'm sharing with you today.Whether it's writing blog posts, creating videos, hosting webinars and livestreams or creating podcast episodes, content creators all face the same problem: you have to keep coming up with new ideas. You have to keep producing content and keep it fresh and interesting.In today's video, we'll look at a setup I create in Trello, which solves this problem. It may seem strange, but setting up this system ...

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The story goes that if you work hard, you'll eventually get rewarded. If you just put in the effort and stick with it through the hard times, it will pay off, right?Well... maybe.Unfortunately, for many of us, that "sticking with it" part seems to drag on forever and the paying off part is nowhere to be seen.Sure, maybe your problem is primarily procrastination, but maybe you follow this simple formula or have found some other way to beat procrastination and ...

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