Create Your Product

Case Study: How to Succeed With Your First Product Launch

6 Lessons

About this course

The story of my very first product launch and how I managed to make it a success, even though I lacked experience, a large audience, a reputation… or really anything you might think one needs for a successful launch.

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Course Structure

Interview Video

In this video, Paul grills Shane about everything that happened in his first product launch. How could a beginner pull it off? How did he get traffic? And much more...

Is This Legit?

Did I really start from scratch? Is this really something you can replicate, or did I just get lucky? Let's address these questions first...

Make or Break: Market Research

How to find out what product to create, to set yourself up for success.

Creating the Product

My process for creating the course content and getting it ready for release.

Marketing the Product

Everything I did to get traffic and generate sales, coming form a "I don't get traffic yet" and "I have no idea what I'm doing" position.

The 3 Keys to Success

What I believe are the 3 most important factors that helped make my first product launch a success (despite my lack of experience).

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